Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It usually takes a long time to find a shorter way. - Anonymous

It usually takes a long time to find a 
shorter way. - Anonymous

The Kratky Team Headquarters is located just off the Italian "Hill" section of St. Louis City.  The area has wonderful restaurants, a rich history and a geographical connection to the Catholic Parishes that define and anchor this part of the city.
So when we received the following advice from John Doerr from Rain Sales, it was irresistible.  We have circulated the following "Thou Shalts" to our Agents and provide them here as well.
Proving that we at the Kratky Team love advice with a Biblical reference and embrace our neighborhood like a big plate of mostaccioli.

Excerpt from: 

Ten Commandments for Shortening Your Sales Cycle

By John Doerr

      I.        Thou Shalt Present a Crisp, Clear Value Proposition
In the course of my work with all manner of firms, I hear a common lament: "We are becoming a commodity. The prospects just seem to buy on price. How can I separate myself from the crowd?"
If you don't know how you are distinct, how will the prospect know?
Ask your clients, your colleagues, your network, “How do I provide value in what I do?” Once you get the answers, refine the message, practice it, and refine it again. Make certain your statement resonates (speaks to need), differentiates (why you), and substantiates (proof you can do it).

     II.        Thou Shalt Talk to the Right Person
Why do so many of us end up wasting our time (and stretching out the sales cycle) by talking to prospects who have neither the financial ability nor the authority to buy our services? Is it lack of confidence in our abilities to deliver, to sell, or both?
Whatever the reason, the shortest distance to a faster sale is the one to the decision maker. Go into a prospective company at the highest level possible. If you can't start high, find out as quickly as possible who controls the purse strings and who makes the decisions.

    III.        Thou Shalt Uncover the Prospect's Aspirations and Afflictions
How directly are you connecting your products and services with the needs of the buyer and those of her company? Too often, we talk to the prospect rather than with the prospect. Ask questions that will allow you to find the most pressing and compelling needs that your offerings can address. You can then draw a direct line from their needs to your products and services. As the saying goes, "The shortest distance..."
Don’t just look for the pain points (afflictions) that will drive a buyer to solve a problem; look for their dreams and goals (aspirations) that your services can address so you can drive the demand.

    IV.        Thou Shalt Engender Trust and Confidence in Your Company
Unless you have the good fortune to have been introduced through a referral, your buyer has a long list of reasons not to buy. As you are selling, he is asking himself, "Can you do what you say you can?", "Do you really understand my company and what I am facing?", and "Will I get the return on my investment in your fees?"
Provide stories, case studies, and demonstrable examples of how you have helped similar companies. Don't talk about how good you are, show it. By doing so, you help reduce the perceived risk of buying. The sooner you can lower the trust barrier, the faster you can move your prospect to make a decision.

     V.        Thou Shalt Deal With Objections Early On
Contrary to popular belief, objections are helpful to the buying process. In fact, I would go so far as to say that objections are buying signals. When a prospect tells you there is an obstacle to her buying your services, she is engaging in the buying/selling process. She is essentially telling you, “I am thinking about what it might be like to work with you, but I have a few things we need to address first.”
The earlier objections come up, the earlier you have the opportunity to fully explore what is getting in the way, deal with it, and move on. The worst possible scenario is for the prospect to nod in agreement and then disappear once you are out of sight (no phone calls, no emails, and no answers) because you never had the opportunity to hear what was standing in the way of the sale.

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